When the tide goes out for the last time,
When just before the dusk sets in and darkness ensues,
The Sun sets just on the horizon,
There is a bright glow before it finally gives up light to the night.
The soul feels that feeling, the fear of that coming of darkness,
So much seems to be undone, and it is now dark, and the day wasted into a sleepless night.
In the darkness bleeds just a little light, a spark that glows it brightest.
Now embers begin to glow, and into just a gray dimness of night brings light.
The rays can now be seen, and light ensues,
The Sun rises just on the horizon,
There is a bright glow before darkness is given to bright light,
So much it seems to be done and now the day must not be wasted,
before the tide goes out the last time.
I have always been fascinated with Circadian rhythms. It is a biological period that occurs within the twenty-four-hour cycle of time. The rhythms seem to be engrained in the organism’s life cycle. This is a built-in clock. Unfortunately, we do not listen as well as a species to these rhythms in a world of work, as a means of survival. We don’t listen to our inner self.
Afterglow mentions the cycle of the Sun and tides, of night and day, and how those cycles determine what should happen naturally. Waste, not your sleep time, work in the daylight, rest when darkness comes. To put an importance on death and darkness should not be the only emphasis, but as with the rhythm of life, it soon passes to light once again. Life is but a cycle, and we only pay attention to it sometimes when we think it has ended. Nature has the answers for us, we just need to take the time to reflect, and listen to our inner self, to make the transition to the change in cycles and rhythms of life.
2 Responses
I like the passage “work in the daylight, rest when darkness comes.” . It makes a lot of sense, as if to remind us to live in the moment. Interesting meditation overall.
Thanks, it is a reminder that one should be aware of the clock that tells our physical self what to do for the health of our body.