Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

Garlic Mustard

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a plant that has two seasons, one as a small plant with heart-shaped leaves, followed by a second year with tiny white flowers and then seeds.  This plant is biennial, meaning it lives for two years. The leaf, when chewed in the spring, tastes like garlic. I found out quickly […]


common field sunflower image

It still amazes me the number of plants that are in someone’s backyard. I had this one particular wildflower grow from a small plant to a foot tall in a few days.  I let it grow to see what it would look like through its stages of growth.  I was rewarded by my patience with […]

Thanksgiving – New Beginnings

Thanksgiving is always a wonderful family get-together. I often wonder how interesting the first Thanksgiving was when I was a kid. I studied about the holiday that represented when pilgrims new to the surroundings of the North American Continent, joined with the natives of the land sharing a harvest. I would ask where are the […]

The Pirate’s Curse

Artistic image rendering of the fountain mouthpiece at the Pirate's House in Charleston, S.C.

To live a pirate and a smuggler’s life meant a dangerous path to eventual doom.  A constant fight with other pirates and smugglers along with the crown seeking your head.  All this for a hoard of treasure that had to be hidden and the secret of its hiding death to all who would choose to […]

It is a Reflective Thought

Fall at Scioto Trail State Park

I look at a picture of mirror reflections from time to time. I like some of the scenes taken near the edge of a body of water. It really makes the mind play tricks. The reflected picture over water showing you everything that is on the banks. The real reflected by the unreal, the unreal […]

The Creation of Thought


Take it, grasp it, Own it. You have nothing to lose. You have only to win. Look carefully in your mind, Look for intuition, not logic. You can search within, Forget the material thought. Be original, take a chance, Find it among the clutter. It is not reality, you think it, Things made from nothing. […]