Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

The Never Ending Road

A Buddhist monk was with his student at the beginning of a long road. He asked, “Master, where does this road lead?” He replied to his student, “To the end.” The student asked again, “And where is the end?”  The monk replied, “At the beginning.” It was a quiet rather warm day, it smelled earthy. […]

The Dragonfly

Its life is not so unusual, it eats, it breathes, it seeks shelter. It lives, it reproduces, it dies. All life has purpose, even the dragonfly, It is born from an egg, It eats other insects, It grows, mates, lays eggs, It is eaten by a bird.  The dragonfly looked me in the eye several […]

The Moonlit Rose

ROSE Purity comes to nature A wedding gown for a bride Not yet tarnished by insect or mold It faces the sun and cherishes the rain It perfumes the air Hoping to attract a pollinator To pass on its seed. It is called MOONSTONE a tea rose. It seems to glow with white pearly petals […]

The Sentry

Image of an egret perched on a branch inside the entrance of Pinckney Nature Preserve.

The Great Egret (Ardea alba) We had just pulled into the road to Pinckney Wildlife reserve.  Not a bird in sight, well this fellow, I would call him a Sentry, flew in making its presence known.  This very large white orange beaked fellow flew to a tree and stood there looking right at us.  It […]

The Sphinx Moth

This is one of the most interesting insects to watch. When I was first introduced to this speedster, I thought it almost acted like a hummingbird. Its wings flutter so fast that it is actually difficult to photograph. My wife caught this one just right. Its wings are outstretched, although if you were watching you […]

The Monkey Man

Langur image

The little man looked upon me through the glass. I stood for a long while and looked into his eyes. He looked back into mine.  Not a small creature looking at me but a man. His face was wrinkled in sorrow.  He wondered about me, I wondered about him. I knew he was curious because I was […]