Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee


common field sunflower image

It still amazes me the number of plants that are in someone’s backyard. I had this one particular wildflower grow from a small plant to a foot tall in a few days.  I let it grow to see what it would look like through its stages of growth.  I was rewarded by my patience with […]

The Plight of the Bumble Bee

My first experience with a bumblebee nest was a surprise.  My son, Jonathan, and I had just finished a project for Cub Scouts that was aimed at obtaining a badge for nature study. He worked hard with me to build a really neat birdhouse.  Excitedly, he climbed a ladder and placed the birdhouse between limbs […]

The Beautiful Butterfly

I  am reminded that cycles are very much a part of our life.  One that easily comes to mind at this time of year is that of the beautiful butterfly.   I find it a cycle that is very familiar and one that a younger child is taught early in the science instruction in our elementary schools. […]

The Moonlit Rose

ROSE Purity comes to nature A wedding gown for a bride Not yet tarnished by insect or mold It faces the sun and cherishes the rain It perfumes the air Hoping to attract a pollinator To pass on its seed. It is called MOONSTONE a tea rose. It seems to glow with white pearly petals […]