Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

Tomato Gazpacho

Every so often, I end up with a successful experiment. I had in mind a vegetable juice similar to the V8 I enjoyed in my youth and ended up with a delightful tomato gazpacho. John says it’s a keeper, and I wholeheartedly agree. Add the following ingredients to your blender and pulse until the mixture […]

Tomato Bisque

Tomato season is upon us. Soon, John and I will have an abundance of these tasty gems from our garden. In the meantime, we can find plenty of homegrown versions at our local Farmer’s market. No longer will I have to acquiesce to those tomato imposters in the grocery store. Homegrown tomatoes are the real […]

Deb’s Green Smoothie

A refreshing smoothie is a delicious way to pack a lot of nutrition in a small package. Try a smoothie, on days when you don’t want to turn on the stove or have limited time to prepare a meal. Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 cup fresh kale or spinach 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal […]