Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

A New Voice Beckons (Again)

This week, I had dinner with a couple of friends – work buddies from a time when my life was quite different than it is today. We caught up on the happenings in each other’s lives and as they spoke of the challenges and triumphs of daily life, I found myself back in the land […]

Feeling Vulnerable

common field sunflower image

John found this lovely Butterweed plant in our side garden.  Tall, bright, and yellow, this small wildflower stood-out among peonies and daylilies struggling to bloom in an abnormally cold and gray spring.  I noticed the plant when a first single flower appeared at the top of the long stem, surrounded by several waiting blossoms.  I […]

The Never Ending Road

A Buddhist monk was with his student at the beginning of a long road. He asked, “Master, where does this road lead?” He replied to his student, “To the end.” The student asked again, “And where is the end?”  The monk replied, “At the beginning.” It was a quiet rather warm day, it smelled earthy. […]