Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

Twenty Years on a Brown Paper Bag

Dee had already lived with diabetes for twenty years when her physician sent her to see a diabetes educator. Despite all of her efforts to follow a meal plan, lose weight, and exercise, her latest HgbA1c had climbed to above 10%, reflecting an average blood glucose reading of over 250 mg/dL. She left the doctor’s […]

Better Than Butter

Let’s talk about butter. I am not convinced that butter is behind all evils. A good butter is, in fact, closer to a whole food than the typical kinds of margarine which contain synthetic ingredients that no “body” would recognize as food. But…non-food is a topic for another time. Suffice it to say that this […]

Plant-based Flatbread

After a disappointing tortilla search at the grocery store, I decided to try my hand at making my own flatbread. Yes, I know, I’m picky. In defense of the grocery store offerings, some tortilla options were…shall we say, passable. But, there is nothing quite like homemade flatbread. The problem is, well…I had never tried to […]

What’s In Your Food?

Reading the food label and ingredients list on packaged products can be daunting. Many of the items in today’s food supply are synthetic chemicals, and the safety of these non-foods on our health is questionable. As a general rule, if the food doesn’t grow in the ground or, if you are a meat eater, ever […]


Kohlrabi is a type of wild cabbage with attributes similar to Brussel’s sprouts, collard greens, or Savory cabbage. This vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked and is a fine addition to soups and casseroles. Kohlrabi delivers almost the entire day’s worth of Vitamin C (based on a 2,000-calorie diet). It is also a source […]

Perfect Iced Tea

Some people are known for their great talents. The world is full of actors, singers, writers, and other creative types. Others have great minds and pursue prestigious careers in science. As for me – I am the creative type. As a nurse, I gravitated to areas where I could use my passion for teaching and coaching, places where I could make abundant use of my rather warped sense of humor, writing, and speaking skills. Yet, if you ask my family what they “inherited” from me, they would all say “iced tea.”